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Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Being Green - Are you doing your part?

Being "green" or Eco friendly is a very hot topic and has made its way to the hospitality industry, urging us to do our part by planning greener meetings. I think this is great and at times I wonder, what took us so long? But as I read more and more about the green movement in our industry, I noticed the focus is directed toward the supplier (hotels) and meeting planners.

As someone who supports being green, it made me question how those of us in the industry who have no control over the preparation or planning of a meeting or event could be green. How can we do our part as freelancers whose primary responsibility is on-site logistics?

I came up with 3 ways I am trying to be green when on the road….

1. Travel with an aluminum water bottle. Fill up from the pitcher in the meeting rooms or order one for your own sleeping room and the staff office. I started ordering pitchers of water with lemon from room service and use this to refill my water bottle throughout the week. I have room service refresh it for me daily. I even order pitchers of water for the staff office with lemon or oranges. If you speak to your conference service manager he/she may do this for you at no charge.

2. Reduce or eliminate soda consumption. I know, we need the caffeine based on the hours we work, but if your hotel does not recycle then try and sustain until you are in a location that does offer recycling. Plus, sodas are so bad for you! You will be promoting better health and helping the environment.

3. Reuse and recycle paper. I actually print on both sides of the paper for internal documents and I also send paper that is only printed on one side back to my office. If the company you are working for does not do this then maybe ask if you can speak to the hotel about recycling left over program materials before you depart.

I know it does not seem like much but every effort counts!

If you have tips or suggestions on how you are making an effort to be green when traveling, please let me know!

1 comment:

  1. Alison

    You bring up great points. I started TruBlue Communications with the vision of TD's walking around using handheld devices with all of their agenda's on them as well as schedules expense reports, etc.

    This would be another way to go green rather than having to reprint whole agenda's. Information could be replaced instantly with one email.

    There will be a transition of course for those who love paper, but eventually it will happen.
