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Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Show me the money!

While this phrase is a very old movie reference, unfortunately it is currently hitting home to millions worldwide. Over the past few months I have been scouring industry message boards and social networking groups to assess the situation and how hospitality professionals are handling things. I have to say, attitudes are not good.

While this is not news to anyone, I think I was more surprised by the public venting people were willing to publish on online forums. Don’t get me wrong, I am extremely worried about the economy and the stability of my own income, however, are we really losing sight of maintaining grace, dignity and professionalism in the eyes of this financial crisis?

With many professionals using message boards, blogs and social networking sites as a way to network and possibly find a new job, everyone should really give thought to what they are posting publically. Taking the opportunity to vent and rant about the terrible state of your current job, how much business you have lost or how you are willing to do anything to find a job, just comes across as desperate and sends the wrong message to readers and potential employers.

It is so important to stand out among your peers without appearing distressed, especially when looking for a job. If you want someone to “show you the money”, it is imperative to stay positive and professional at all times. Rather than focusing on things that are NOT going right, try focusing on more optimistic points like what you are doing to enhance your career. Take every opportunity to share your experience with industry peers so they become more familiar with your area of expertise.

Take for example Jamina Alvarez who is this month’s Featured Travel Director. Since becoming a member and being hired for a project through INTD in her home town of Puerto Rico, Jamina keeps our development team updated occasionally on what she is working on. While business is also slow in PR, she is consistently positive, upbeat and energetic. And even though some of her efforts may not come to fruition, she is remains undaunted and dedicated to making the most of the current situation. For more about Jamina read her article
“The Future is Bright in Puerto Rico”.

The bottom line is most of us are being affected by the economy in some way. However, isn’t the secret to success really about empowering yourself and the law of attraction? I am a firm believer that what you put into the universe is what you will get back in return. I definitely think this also applies to the worldwide web.


  1. I couldn't agree with you more Alison. Times are tough, but it is our attitude about these times that are going to get us through it. We have taken a beating, but as i say to fellow TD's and friends, stand up, brush yourself off, smile and say "how can i help". A very wise person named robert once told me, "be part of the solution, or part of the problem, its your choice"

  2. I so agree with both of you. Alison and Chad. Attitude is everything, more than ever during these dufficult times. Hold your [well groomed] heads high, keep that smile on your face and be ready to extend a helping hand whenever you are asked or see a need....Love that, 'be a part of the solution'my new mantra!

  3. Thank you to Chad and Abuela for leaving positive comments. Good to know there are others out there that feel the same way!

  4. Excellent post, Alison! It is extremely important for everyone to keep in mind how their online participation reflects on their professional reputations.

  5. I know Jamina personally and professional and I can't think of a better person to emulate. She is upbeat and professional at all times.
